Get useful information for your stay at Les Ormes 24 hours a day!
You’ve booked a stay at Les Ormes? Download Les Ormes’ free official app and make it easy!
All information you need in your pocket:
- Useful tips
- Planning of activities
- Map
- Opening times of the services
- Menus of the restaurants
- Contacts
- Places to visit
- …
Before your stay, discover all the facilities that you can find at Les Ormes and plan your holidays. Discover in advance the planning of activities and animations, find the restaurants you like, discover the services available during your stay, easily find the activities, swimming pools or restaurants you like by saving them as favourites! The application will be helpful to find your route and will guide you to the site.
Once here, locate the different places on the map, book your table in the restaurants, check the service schedules, contact our team in 1 click. A change of programmme,? A new tip? Be informed in real time. Need to find a vet or a doctor near the Domaine or look for your way to visit Saint-Malo? The application will show you the way.
Download the Les Ormes application for free.